Multi-Bridge Message and Asset Transfers
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The Multi-Bridge module in Lucid enables users to perform cross-chain messaging for various purposes, including contract updates and governance proposals. Additionally, it offers the ability to transfer assets, specifically governance tokens, across chains using multiple bridges.
Follow these steps to use this module effectively:
Navigate to the Organisations menu from the sidebar.
Choose your desired organisation and click the View button under the Multi-Bridge module.
After selecting the Multi-Bridge module, you will be directed to the Transaction History screen. Here, you can view all past transactions.
To initiate a new transaction, click the Add Transaction button on the top-right corner of the screen.
On the next screen, click the Add Action button.
You will be presented with two options:
Custom: Select the Custom option to enable cross-chain messaging for purposes like updating contracts or governance proposals.
Transfer: Select the Transfer option if you want to transfer the organisation’s governance tokens across chains.
Select the Custom option to enable cross-chain messaging for purposes like updating contracts or governance proposals.
In the Custom setup:
Enter the Target Contract Address.
Upload the contract’s ABI file.
Select the chains and bridges you want to use for the message transfer.
Set the Consensus Threshold (e.g., 2 out of 2 for bridge approvals).
Once all required fields are completed, you can proceed to the next step.
Select the Transfer option if you want to transfer the organisation’s governance tokens across chains.
In the Transfer setup:
Enter the Sender Address.
Specify the Receiver Address.
Input the Value of tokens to transfer.
Choose the chain and bridge for the transfer under the Choose Chains and Bridges section.
1. After completing the configuration for either the Custom or Transfer option, click on the Export button.
2. This will prepare the transaction for further processing and submission.
Copy the following information shown (These will be pasted in the Transaction Builder of Safe, see the final steps below)
Target Address
After exporting the data, you need to execute the transaction in a Safe. Visit
1. Create a new Safe: If no Safe exists, you can create one.
2. Import an existing Safe: Alternatively, import an already configured Safe.
Paste the following information that you have copied during Step 6.
Target Address