Fee Estimates for Bridges
Lucid supports the following bridges for seamless multi-chain transactions:
Fee Quoting Mechanisms:
Axelar does not support on-chain quoting for transaction fees, meaning it cannot calculate the exact fee in advance. However, Axelar has a refund mechanism for any excess fees paid. For all transactions processed through Axelar, a fixed fee is passed to the bridge. If the actual fee is lower than the fixed amount, Axelar automatically refunds the difference to the user. This approach ensures seamless transaction processing while accounting for potential fee variations.
Wormhole provides an on-chain fee quoting function that calculates transaction fees based on the maximum gas limit set for the most resource-intensive use case. This ensures that transactions requiring significant processing can still execute without issues. However, unlike some other bridges, Wormhole does not currently process refunds for unused gas. While this means users might occasionally pay slightly higher fees than the actual transaction cost, particularly on Ethereum Mainnet, the difference is generally minimal on Layer 2 networks. We are actively exploring ways to optimise this process for a potential v2 update to improve fee accuracy further.
Connext, CCIP, LayerZero, Hyperlane
These bridges support on-chain fee quoting. This means the exact fees are calculated in real-time during the transaction. Users are charged only the actual amount required for the transaction without any overestimation or refunds necessary.
Last updated